Most Promising Agripreneurs (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Ezekiel Mumo
Bee Farmers Hub Limited, a youth-led apiculture company founded in 2019, has made significant strides in promoting sustainable beekeeping solutions in Kenya and across East Africa. The company's mission revolves around positively impacting livelihoods, particularly in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) and among pastoralist communities. Since its inception, Bee Farmers Hub Limited has successfully undertaken major projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through their initiatives, the company has managed to reach over 2000 smallholder farmers, making a tangible difference in these communities. By introducing beekeeping as a climate-resilient project, Bee Farmers Hub Limited not only addresses environmental challenges but also provides an alternative and sustainable source of livelihood for those involved. The focus on ASALs and pastoralist communities underscores the company's commitment to supporting areas that are often vulnerable to climate fluctuations, demonstrating the practicality and adaptability of beekeeping as a solution. Bee Farmers Hub Limited stands as a testament to the potential for youth-led enterprises to drive positive change, fostering both environmental sustainability and economic resilience in local communities.
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