Most Promising Healthpreneurs (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Duncun Motanya
Diabetes Management Medical Center
DMMC is a small giant in the healthcare space whose services include an Online Pharmacy ( and a TeleHealth platform ( which allows people with Non-communicable diseases to consult Doctors, Nutritionists, and other services i.e Laboratory at home conveniently. DMMC's idea was birthed after losing my father in 2013 to diabetes-related complications. Before 2020, if you asked me, I did not think a Facebook page ( I created in 2014 and group ( to educate people about diabetes would make a concrete business case, leading to my decision to go all in 2020 by setting up a pharmacy and what today is a medical center focusing on offering quality and affordable primary healthcare services to people with Diabetes and Hypertension. I have invested about Kes—15 Million in setting up the medical center, Laboratory, systems, etc. Guess what? We only became profitable this year! (I will share a detailed story on my learning curve, mistakes, and lessons learned in a different post.) I gave up on funding after hundreds of rejections and NOs from Angel investors, VC firms, and every other person I could think of contacting and firing an email.
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