Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Ebengo Honore
Advocacy Initiative for Youth Development
Advocacy Initiative for Youth Development is a registered refugee-led organization based and operating in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. The organization offers a program which focuses on offering in demand tech and soft skills training. The purpose is to deliver tech and soft skills training for youth employability. The vision of giving more than 45000 refugees equal access to in-demand tech skills by 2030. And this led to job placement opportunities, and skills sharing opportunities. And this fosters the culture of learning, collaboration and personal growth of our beneficiaries. The programs offer peer to peer learning and build a supportive community centered around knowledge exchange and growth. The program curriculum covers: 1. Tech skills training Computer basics, Office application, Google Apps, software applications program. In coding and programming, boot camp will cover programming languages (HTML, CSS JavaScript, etc., web development, mobile App and database management. Some online platforms: ChatGPT, MIT App Inventor, Thunkable, etc. Internet, Email and Networking: basic concepts in both will be covered and students will open their Gmail accounts. Bootcamp will also touch some essential soft skills such as, career guidance, Communication and entrepreneurship skills, Solutionary/Innovation etc 2. Soft skills training: Street Business management, Bread and cake making training.
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