Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Green Culture Community Initiative(GCCIAFRICA)
Green Culture Community Initiative(GCCIAFRICA) is a social enterprise project working on unlocking circular economy around solid waste management through creation of climate change adaptation initiatives which serves as Income generating activities for unemployed youths and teen mothers.Some of our innovation are durable handicraft/home decor/artifacts which replace wood carving and affordable,soot-less,smokeless charcoal briquettes from trash in replacement of wood charcoal and affordable,eco-friendly,cost effective Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks in replacement of kiln bricks.We are encouraging recycling of waste instead of contributing to more harm through green houses gases emission from burning of trash trash.We are encouraging people to embrace circular economy instead of linear economy.The organization was funded by Voluntary Service Overseas and international citizen service as alumni grant.We were number one entreprenuers in kenya on National innovation challenge 2018 run by Junior Achievement Kenya and NIC Bank,selected for GetInTheRing global meetup finals 2018 in portugal.2019 voted for the same in berlin germany
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