Most Promising Social Entrepreneurs (Under 30)

Country: Kenya

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Obama Kevin
Obama Kevin
Seline Cares Foundation, established in 2022 by the 23-year-old visionary Kevin Opiyo, is a heartfelt tribute to his beloved mother, Seline, who tragically lost her battle with liver cancer on August 2, 2022. This Foundation was born from a profound sense of purpose, as Kevin Opiyo endeavors to honor his mother's memory and make a meaningful impact on the lives of those affected by cancer, particularly those who struggle to afford the exorbitant costs of cancer treatments. At the heart of Seline Cares Foundation lies Kevin's ambitious dream to construct cancer healthcare hospitals in Kenya. These facilities aim to provide accessible and affordable cancer care to individuals who would otherwise be burdened by the immense financial strain that comes with cancer treatment. This dream is fueled by a deep-seated desire to alleviate the suffering of patients and their families, ensuring that no one is denied proper healthcare due to economic constraints. Furthermore, the Foundation is committed to addressing critical issues in education and supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which focuses on quality education for all. The belief that education is the cornerstone of a prosperous and equitable society is central to the Foundation's mission. By championing education, Seline Cares Foundation aims to empower the younger generation, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. The realization of this vision requires collective effort and support from individuals and organizations who share the same passion for education and healthcare equity. Seline Cares Foundation is extending an earnest appeal to all those who believe in the power of education and the importance of accessible healthcare. Your involvement in this journey, no matter how big or small, is immensely appreciated and crucial in making Kevin Opiyo's dream a reality. In summary, Seline Cares Foundation, initiated by Kevin Opiyo in memory of his mother, is a beacon of hope for those affected by cancer in Kenya. With a mission that encompasses building cancer healthcare facilities, supporting quality education for the youth, and contributing to SDG 4, this Foundation embodies the values of compassion, commitment, and community. Your support is not only welcomed but vital in ensuring that Kevin's vision can bring lasting change to the lives of many. Kevin also runs Braise Distributors a construction company which has created employment to upto 27 youths in Kenya.
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